Hang gliding in Rio(Pedra Bonita)
Road map
Confirmed daily departures
Total comfort and safety
Professional commitment proven by more than a thousand comments from our customers on Tripadvisor and Facebook
Certificate of excellence issued by Tripadvisor for 7 consecutive years; 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023
Transportation from Praia do Pepino to the PEDRA BONITA ramp
Flight + Tax + Insurance
Main camera images
Additional angles Go Pro images R$150.00 (optional)
360º camera images R$300.00 (optional)
T-shirt R$110.00 (optional)
Reservations for the HANG GLIDING FLIGHT IN RIO can be made through the website, by filling in the "make your reservation" field; or by WhatsApp in the "contacts" field.
Boarding points
Transport from Pepino Beach to PEDRA BONITA ramp.
Security and certification
Passeio Rio is a registered tourism agency specializing in inbound tourism in the state of Rio de Janeiro. We have our own fleet of vehicles and a qualified and accredited team.
Don’t put your trip at risk, hire an agency registered with the Ministry of Tourism.